Credit Manager Display Field Descriptions

Field Description
Color Code

You can color-code credit held orders, so that they appear in colors representing different hold status, such as waiting for check, waiting for delivery instruction, or do not release.

Color codes are created and maintained in the CREDCOLOR table in the System Tables Maintenance (menu option SET 29).

Cr Mgr

(Credit Manager)

The person, manager, or department responsible for the credit limit of the account. This code is also used in several reports, including the AR Aging Report.

Credit Managers are assigned to accounts in the Billto File.

Customer The customer who placed the order that is on credit hold.
Date Required The date required as specified on the header of the order.
Days The number of days the order has been on credit hold. The number of days shown is dependent on the payment terms set-up for the customer in the Billto file.
Order Amount The monetary value of the order.
Order# Clicking the order number hyperlink takes you to the Credit Hold Order Detail window where you can review the order information.

Ship Date

Ship Via

The date and method the order was scheduled for shipment.

This code indicates whether an order contains transfers, back orders, or special orders. The following codes are used:

  • t - the order contain transfers.
  • b - the order contains a back order.
  • s - the order contains a special order.
  • m - the order contains a mix of transfers and back orders, or transfers and special orders.
  • Order Change - Indicates a change to the order such as a line being added or the status of the order being changed. Check the Notepad for order changes.

The order type is imported in from the Order Header.

Order type codes can be user-defined or system defined in the ORDERTYPE table; accessed via the System Tables Maintenance option (SET 29).

The system defined order type codes are:

  • H - Permanent Holds - Permanent holds are unconfirmed orders. They are entered and processed the same as regular orders, except that they are notated on screens and reports as status H. Permanent holds are considered permanent because the system will keep the stock on hold indefinitely.
  • C - Claims/Credits/Returns - This cross references the order to an invoice or another order. Whenever a C is entered as the order type, the system automatically checks for duplicate credits entered against the same order or invoice number. A potential duplicate credit is defined as any other credit memo cross referenced to the same original invoice or order number as the credit memo you are beginning to enter.
  • F - Future/Forward Orders - This code designates that the order is for stock that has not yet arrived.
  • U or V - Unusual Sales - This flags certain sales to exclude them from the usage figures on the reorder reports. Use this feature to eliminate non-repeat sales that could distort your usage figures.
  • D - Direct - Direct orders are defined as orders filled by outside suppliers and shipped directly to your customer without affecting your inventory.
Warehouse The warehouse filling the order.